The Lack of Standardization in the Cannabis Industry Might Be Harming Your Health

The Mold Menace in Your Marijuana United States - In every industry, "standardization" refers to establishing a common set of criteria, protocols, or specifications to ensure products, services, and processes meet consistent quality and safety benchmarks. The Bedrock of Reliability: Standardization is like having a universal playbook. For any given...

Know Your Rights: A Guide to Employee Protections in the Cannabis Industry

In the ever-evolving landscape of the cannabis industry, where businesses are sprouting up and regulations are continually shifting, it's crucial for employees to understand their rights in the workplace. Whether you're a budtender, cultivator, processor, or work in any other capacity within the cannabis sector in Michigan, knowing your rights...

Historic Repeal: Michigan’s “Right-to-Work” and How You’re Affected

Michigan has recently repealed its "Right to Work" law, a move that is expected to have significant benefits for workers in the state. The law, which was originally passed in 2012, allowed workers in unionized workplaces to opt out of paying union dues, even if they benefited from collective bargaining...

Labor Misclassification in Cannabis: The High Cost of Temp Work

United States - My first brush with the elusive nature of temp work came as a surprise within the "regulated" cannabis sector. Picture this—standing shoulder to shoulder with team members who, despite sharing tasks, hours, uniforms, goals, and even a boss, turned out to be more like fleeting guests than...

Worker Exploitation: ‘The Dark Side’ of Working in Cannabis

  [caption id="attachment_789" align="alignnone" width="735"] "Exploitation, Abuse & Death" The Dark Side of Working in the Cannabis Industry.[/caption] Original article written by Dusty Christenson for The Nation, link available below. U.S.A., North America - The cannabis industry continues to grow at an alarming rate, and unfortunately worker safety is often...

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Michigan Cannabis Employees Speak Up in 4/20 Issue of ‘Detroit Metro Times’

Detroit, MI - The cannabis industry in Michigan has been booming ever since the legalization of cannabis in the state. However, reports since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic suggest that some employees in the industry feel that they are being left behind. This issue has been brought to light...

Curaleaf, Aurora, Hexo, tilary and Canopy Growth logos float while Lady Justice looms; the background is entrenched with overflowing coins

5 Weed Companies Currently Facing Class-Action Lawsuits

Combined company assets are in the billions It seems that the green rush may have hit a few bumps in the road for some of the biggest cannabis companies out there. In recent months, several companies have been hit with class-action lawsuits over a range of allegations, from mislabeling products...

CNN Headline and photo of strippers on the picket line looking fierce; poster reads "twerk union"

Take it Off: Stripper Strike NOHO Serves as a Tool for Progress in American Labor

Los Angeles, CA - The recent stripper strike in North Hollywood, also known as NOHO, has sparked a conversation about workplace organizing and the importance of collective action to achieve better working conditions. The strike was organized by a group of strippers who were frustrated with the working conditions at...